Coding for kids in Abuja Nigeria /Introduction to Computer Programming
This Coding for kids in Abuja Nigeria is practical hands-on training, where kids learn coding from beginning to advanced level

This is the time to help your kids learn the laguage of the future– Coding for kids
Do your kids spend too much time on the computer, phone or tablet? Don’t you wish they could learn something more productive? Why not get them to learn a lifelong valuable skill that will lead them into a career that is promising and future assured.
Computer programming is writing a group of instructions for a computer to process/execute. These instructions are typically used to solve a problem, or, to make larger problems shorter and easier to solve.
Really, computer programming is thinking like and communicating with a computer, and is most commonly used to make long and repetitive tasks quick and easy.
Computer programming or coding for kids seems like an impossible journey, right? It’s a lot like learning an entirely new language (literally)!
Coding for kids refers to the opportunities available for children to get involved in coding. These opportunities aim to be fun and intriguing to keep kids’ young minds engaged. You might also hear coding referred to as “programming,” or “computer programming.”
Why should kid learn Computer programming-Coding for kids?
So, kids should learn to code because:
Coders are in high demand
Coding provides a competitive advantage
Coding knowledge allows students better understand the world
Coding is fun and satisfying
Coding improves creativity
Coding improves problem-solving
Coding improves persistence
Coding improves collaboration
Coding improves communication
This coding for kids training in Abuja Nigeria shows kids how to code by adapting the material to their learning styles. There are animated lectures, informative screencasts, and tests. The first portion of the course introduces a lot of data and terminology quickly. You’ll jump right in. No second is wasted in this action-filled and captivating course.
Code is in fact the language of the future, and learning to code, while great to know in itself, also strengthens creativity, problem-solving, and a host of other skills.
Thus, the value of learning to code isn’t limited to the actual physical act of coding, as it opens doors to a variety of related opportunities as well.
Learning to program is like learning a new language as earlier stated. Young kids can learn languages faster and easier than adults because their developing brains are made for learning, so childhood is a great time to start learning programming concepts.
Learning to program helps kids develop skills that will not only benefit them in school but also help them stand out from the crowd in the job market
In fewer words, learning to code is hugely important, and hopefully, this guide helps you and your child take a step forward.
Who this course is for:
Ages 6 and Above
Everybody is welcome to attend if they like child-oriented products
What will your kids learn in thios coding for kids and programming training?
We will start from the beginning, they will learn what coding is all about and the importance of coding and programming languages in the digital age. depending on their age, there will be scratch programming which is a fun way to get them started. They will learn the basics of computer programming, how to design a professional website using: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Bootstrap etc
By the end of the course, students will know the basics of a valuable lifelong skill- Coding and programming
this coding for kids training in Abuja Nigeria will familiarize your kid with some common coding terms. Knowing some key terms and what they mean is a great way to set your kids up for success as they continue their coding journey. There are dozens of different terms used in programming, but here are some good ones to start with.
Variable: For kids, compare this to a container or a box. In coding, a variable stores a particular set of information. Once you give the variable a name, you can use that name to reference that information or change it.
Loop: This is a type of shortcut in coding that lets you repeat a block of code multiple times without having to write it all out every time. It’s up to you to decide what the condition is that makes the loop end.
Conditional statement: This is what helps computers make a decision. Using if, else if, and else statements, you tell the computer what to do under different circumstances. For example, you could tell the computer to display one sentence if the user responds “yes” to a question and to display a different sentence if the user responds “no.”
Function: This is another type of shortcut in coding, which lets you perform a series of actions instead of writing out the code for all of the actions individually.
Bug: Something every coder has to deal with! Bugs are errors within your code that need to be fixed before the code can run correctly.
More and more people are learning to code, so do you want your kids to not have the same opportunities as others? This course offers your kids a competitive advantage.
Employers look for technical skills and applicants that can code are more attractive to hire. Even if the job isn’t technical it always helps to have that technical knowledge to communicate with the technical team.
The possibilities are endless for what kids can do with their coding skills once they learn the fundamentals.