Practical Video editing training for kids in Abuja Nigeria
Unless your kid’s creativity by enrolling them in our practical hands-on Video editing training for kids in Abuja Nigeria
Our practical hands-on video editing training course in Abuja will teach you how to perform essential video editing functions, titles, video & audio effects to a professional standard

This class will show your child the beginning steps of video editing. Children will learn how to use an editing program to create their own videos to share with friends and family. They will be able to upload videos into the computer and program, find and use the various tools available, cut and trim clips, add music and sounds, create titles, add special effects, and more as they create their own videos to share with others.
This class will be hands-on and students will be encouraged to practice with me as we learn each skill and explore the program on their own. During the final class, all students will have the opportunity to share the video that they have created with the class.
Our mission is to help kids unlock their potential and become more confident and successful people by getting new skills and overcoming competition challenges. You can’t imagine how capable your child is and how many things he can do already, he only needs the right conditions to express himself!
We will introduce your children to the magnificent world of video production. From planning a storyboard to using unique shooting angles, kids will acquire various creative and technological skills. They will learn how to use professional editing tools and share their video projects on their own YouTube channel. They will become creators instead of just being consumers.
It’s time to boost your child’s creativity
Kids and Tech Nigeria empowers youth to seize the technology opportunities of their future. We enable kids and teens to create a wonderful future for themselves using digital skills
Enroll your kids in our video editing training for kids classes in Abuja Nigeria
Benefits Of Learning Video Editing in Abuja Nigeria
Learning video editing can be both financially and personally fulfilling. Video editing is both a rewarding profession and a useful skill for personal use.
Outside of professional work, video editing skills can be used for personal projects ranging from family occasions to sporting events that are captured on video, with editing skills allowing you to share higher quality projects.
I know you may be asking how lucrative is video editing in Nigeria, kindly know that the benefits of learning Video Editing In Nigeria are so much especially in this era of social media and the internet where love watching videos instead of reading. Companies now need videos to promote their goods and services more than ever. The truth is that learning video editing in this digital age can open up wonderful career opportunities for you.
Video editing is the process of editing the raw footage shot during the making of a movie, documentary, advert etc. Video editing work is done with digital footage and computers in what is known as non-linear editing.
The digital economy has brought the growth of digital videos in Nigeria and the world at large over the last few years, professional video editing has now become a must-have technology for any growing company or individual.
Every organization now needs professional video editing in Nigeria for its social video campaigns, promotions, and marketing. Becoming a video editor in Nigeria is now lucrative as the demand is high and they are well paid.
ICT for kids Training Programs

Our video editing training for kids covers all the fundamental and comprehensive methods, tools, and techniques enabling you to get your video message across fast with maximum impact using powerful, flexible editing capabilities.